Residency creative cintract betwen, onthe one hand,
9 Rue du Garet
BP 118569202
Lyon Cedex 01
Tel: + 33 (0)4 72 07 37 00
Fax: + 33 (0)4 72 07 37 01
Represented by Patrick Giraudo
(Acting Director)
Hereinafter referred to as "Grame"

and, on the other hand,
Hereinafter referred to as "the resident",
or "the visitor"
It is agreed, as follows:

ARTICLE 1: Object of the contract
Grame will receive in residency
for a project provisionally entitled:

ARTICLE 2: Period of the residency

The residency will take place between the
following dates:

ARTICLE 3: Conditions applying to the residency
In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, Grame takes no responsibility for the travel costs of the resident or the visitor.
Grame assumes responsibility for the cost of the resident's accommodation, with payment being made directly to the relevant body.
Grame assumes responsibility for the cost of the resident's meals (lunch and dinner) on the basis of the SYNDEAC standard rate, during the period of residency stipulated in Article 2.
Technical facilities
Grame will make available to the resident, or the
Studio 1, according to the following schedule:
Studio 2, according to the following schedule:
Research facilities, according to the following schedule:
Grame will place at the disposal of the resident, the services of
(technical assistant) according to the following
Sundry supplies
Grame will pay the cost of sundry supplies related to the creative process (DAT cassettes, blank CDs, etc.), but not the costs associated with publication or performance.

ARTICLE 4: Informational and publicity material
Residents will provide an undertaking that all informational and publicity material concerning works co-produced by Grame will include the following acknowledgement:
"This work was co-produced by Grame Centre National de Création Musicale in Lyon"

ARTICLE 5: Insurance coverage
It is the responsibility of the resident to take out insurance coverage for all his/her personal effects (and, where applicable, the personal effects of his/her colleagues). Grame accepts no responsibility for any damage which may be suffe-red by the said personal effects.

ARTICLE 6: Non-commercial rights
Grame shall enjoy rights to the non-commercial use of all works which it co-produces during the residency period. Copies of all such works (scores and recordings) will be made available for consultation free of charge in Grame's documentation depart-ment.

ARTICLE 7: Legal jurisdiction

In the event of disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the present contract, the signatories agree to accept the authority of the courts in Lyon.

Signed (in duplicate):
Each page of the contract must be initialled by each of theco-signatories.